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Notice of Annual General Meeting

Updated: Aug 12, 2022

The General Meeting of the New Zealand American Football Federation will be held on:

Date: Sunday, 25 October, 2022

Time: 12.00 pm

Venue: Via Zoom Video conference.

All members are invited to the AGM.

Only Delegates representing fully affiliated clubs and who are Members registered with NZAFF may speak or vote at the AGM.

In accordance with the New Zealand American Football Federation Constitution we are calling for Nominations and submissions for:

1. Board Members

Applications are invited for the two positions available. One for an elected position and one for an appointed position.

  • Elected Position – Stephanie Murray has finished her 1-year appointment to the Board as a replacement for the Elected Position that had no applicants last year. Stephanie is keen to continue her involvement and will apply for the Appointed position.

Addendum 12/08/22: Christopher (CJ) Berry is also standing down by rotation and will re-stand for the elected Board position.

  • Appointed Position – Andrew Fraser is retiring by rotation and will not be standing for re-election.

Both positions will be advertised.

The roles require a corporate governance focus, with responsibility for monitoring the strategic direction and management policies of the organisation while taking into account the interests of relevant stakeholders.

The Board Selection Panel will review the applications for the Appointed position available on the Board (timetable below) and will decide which candidate will be appointed to the Board.

The applications for Elected members will be forwarded to the eligible Associations for their consideration prior to the AGM (timetable below). Those applicants for the Elected Board Member positions at the AGM who have the highest number of votes in their favour will be declared elected.

The Board recognizes that diversity is important and getting the right mix around the table is critical for the on-going health of NZAFF. We would like to encourage applications from women, tangata whenua, tangata pacifica, a broad range of ethnicities, individuals with a disability and the LGBTIQ community.

Applications for Positions

Applications for positions should include:

a) Which positions they are applying for – elected or appointed.

b) Name and any other details that the applicant feels are relevant.

c) Experience in Governance

d) Any relevant experience including management or other senior positions.

Applicants should read the relevant sections of the Constitution (on the NZAFF web site under More/About/NZAFF Documents) especially section 16.

Please note the Federation is not providing a form for applications.

2. Patron;

This position is not required by the Constitution.

The Constitution states that the Federation “may” appoint a Patron. A patron is a person that the Sport gains a benefit (higher profile in the community or advice from time to time) from the association.

If there is a person that an Association feels would provide such a benefit then the process of appointment is through an election at the AGM and then an invitation to hold office. The person should have agreed to the nomination prior to the AGM.

3. Other items

At this time, the following items are also called for:

1. Any notices of motion re Constitutional amendments,

2. Any other business for consideration or discussion at the AGM.

The Timetable leading up to the AGM is:

26 August

By this date, the GM must have been received:

  • Applications for Patron, Appointed Board Members and Elected Board Members.

  • Any proposed motions.

10 September

By this date, the AGM Agenda will be sent out.

15 September

By this date, the GM will notify Member Associations/Clubs of the decision of the Appointments Panel.

Please note that all Applications, Notices of Motion and Nominations must be received by 5pm, Friday, 26 August 2022.

If you have any questions regarding the process etc please contact me.


Russell McConnochie


09 973 4058

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